Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce identity system
An identity system comprises two parts: the logo, the symbol that represents the organization, functioning as its face and its brand, and the guidelines, the set of rules that governs how the logo is applied and the appearance of all materials the organization produces. Below are excerpts from the Identity & Style Manual e.d. design delivered to the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce.
An identity system starts with the logo.
The lighthouse is a symbol of the Jersey Shore. New Jersey is the best state in the union, and its Northern Monmouth chamber is the light of the business community. Light defines the logo, and in the expanded system, casts its light onto other elements in the design, carrying the theme beyond the mark itself.

The primary logo.

2-color, grayscale and high-contrast versions.
Expanded Identity System
Beyond the logo, an identity system need a set of rules and subsidiary images that work with the logo to ensure a consistent brand.
The Lighthouse can be applied to a white background or onto the Special Theme background, which adds a layer of depth to the Lighthouse, allowing it to cast light onto the towns of the Northern Monmouth.

It's important to provide the client with all the information they will need to apply their logo.
The margins of the Lighthouse are defined by the distance between the crown of the Lighthouse and the circle ribbon. This ensures that the Lighthouse will always inhabit a balanced space relative to other elements around it, neither isolated nor crammed in. The center of the logo should be considered to be the center of the circle, excluding the height of the lighhouse tower, making sure that the lantern room is always above its surroundings.

Diagrams demonstrating how to align text with the logo.
It's all well and good to establish the rules, but an identity system must also show how they all come together.

Clockwise from top left: sample letterhead, mockup glass award and medal, bumpersticker and business cards (front and back).